Terry Talks
Dr. Terry explains the benefits of VetConnect PLUS
So you found me!
Just click on my photo to the left to see why I love IDEXX VetConnect PLUS sooo much. There are so many ways you can use VetConnect PLUS that I created a series of videos called Terry Talks (that you're welcome to share).
Terry Talks: View Results on VetConnect PLUS
How to View Results on VetConnect PLUS
Terry Talks Video: Trending
How to Trend Results on VetConnect PLUS
SAH Terry Talk Video: Communicating
How to Communicate VetConnect PLUS Results
Terry Talks Video: Collaborating
How to Share Results on VetConnect PLUS
Any Result, Any Time, Any Where
VetConnect® PLUS transforms the way you see your patients’ results, whether you’re a current VetConnect user, have IDEXX in-house analysers, use IDEXX Reference Laboratories—or use all three. All VetConnect PLUS customers will see more historical data than ever before on a single screen. For the first time, IDEXX Reference Laboratories results are displayed side-by-side with IDEXX in-house results for a “whole patient” view. And it’s at no cost.
VetConnect PLUS results
- View all of each patient’s diagnostic data combined on one screen
- Easily compare and cross-reference IDEXX in-house and reference Laboratory results.
- Save time and reduce frustration: there’s no need to collect data from multiple places.
- Quickly spot trends and use interactive graphs to learn more from each result.
Access results anywhere, anytime—safely and securely
- Get fast, convenient online access to ensure you’ll always have answers.
- Access anywhere, anytime from your home, practice and laptop computer or tablet.
- Enjoy unlimited, safe and secure data storage in the cloud; receive software updates instantly.
Easily share important patient data with clients in or out of the office
- Review results and recommendations on screen during client visits for better communication and a better client experience.
- User-friendly information design facilitates face-to-face conversations with clients about their pet's health, which helps you gain trust and compliance.
- Easily email results to clients after they have left the practice to reinforce the value of your services and to improve overall patient care.