IDEXX Reference Laboratories
IDEXX histopathology services
IDEXX histopathology services provide you with the most accurate and timely biopsy results to allow you to make a confident diagnosis and treatment plan.
- Let our highly specialised IDEXX histopathology technicians provide you with expert specimen processing—decalcification when needed, trimming, dissection, and quality slide preparation.
- Access the largest network of anatomic pathologists worldwide who provide quality interpretations, evaluation of surgical margins and special stains, as well as include comments regarding biological behaviour and aetiology.
- Consult directly by phone or email with the pathologist working on your case.
- View or share images in VetConnect PLUS.
- Access comprehensive histopathology educational resources .

Comprehensive testing services to cover even your most time‑sensitive cases.
Results in 3–5 days (Monday–Friday)
- Quick, reliable turnaround for your routine cases
- Personalised guidance from our team of expert pathologists
Test codes
HIS1: 1 Site/Lesion
HIS2: 2 Sites/Lesions
See the online Directory of Tests and Services at
for test codes for additional sites/lesions.
Results in 5–14 days; results typically final within 7 days unless extended processing is required (particularly for specimens involving bone)
- A thorough evaluation of organs (with or without bone) or large and complex biopsies (e.g., spleen, liver, and lung lobe; mammary chain; eye; bone biopsies [amputated limbs/digits/jaws (whole or partial)])
- Personalised guidance from our team of expert pathologists
- Streamlined submission process, with one test code to cover all sites
Submission requirements and guidance for complex biopsies
Test code HISO
The Dermatopathology with Microscopic Description service was created to support customers with the capability to provide a more thorough clinical history, automatically assign to the dermatopathology team of pathologists, reduce extended turnaround time due to additional rework, and allow submission of multiple biopsies from the same dermatologic process for a single fee.
The service provides the ability to submit skin specimens that will be assigned to the dermatopathology team of pathologists.
Qualifying skin specimen types include the following:
- Lesions that are chronic/recurring that fail to respond to therapy
- Clinically unusual lesions
- Acute onset skin conditions that are progressing rapidly
- Clinically severe lesions (e.g., accompanied by systemic signs, sudden hair loss, multifocal nodules)
Test code DERM
Immunohistochemistry Panel
The immunohistochemistry report includes the following: antibodies utilised, the type of antigen or tissue marker detected, the results of the procedure(s) on the patient's tissues, and an interpretative summary.
This service uses specialised immunohistochemical testing to demonstrate the presence of various antigens, aetiologic agents, or tissue markers in histologic specimens. Must have ordered a prior biopsy. If immunohistochemical studies would be helpful in a particular case, the pathologist will include a recommendation on the biopsy report to add on this test.
Call us at 1 300 44 33 99
if you would like to initiate the studies.
Test codes
IHC1: Immunohistochemistry Panel (1 Antibody)
IHC2: Immunohistochemistry Panel (2 Antibodies)
See the online Directory of Tests and Services at
for test codes for additional sites/lesions.
Featured case
The whole spleen or subsampling?
Dale, a 10-year-old, neutered male bulldog, presented with an enlarged spleen. A splenectomy was performed, and his entire spleen was submitted to IDEXX Reference Laboratories as a Complex Biopsy (test code HISO). Upon receipt at the lab, the IDEXX histopathology technician performed a gross examination of the spleen and determined from which areas to obtain sample sections with the goal to obtain representative samples of the entire organ. Note that in some complex cases, samples will be trimmed by an anatomic pathologist upon receipt at the lab, rather than by the technician. Dale’s pathology report returned a haematoma and atypical lymphocyte proliferation. Dale's owner chose to monitor without treatment, and the dog remains well after 9 months. The case highlights the importance of submitting whole organs for pathology evaluation and utilising ancillary tests, like flow cytometry and PARR, for comprehensive diagnoses.

IDEXX Learning Centre education
Getting the Most Out of Your Biopsy Pathology Submissions
Getting the Most Out of Your Cytology Pathology Submissions
The Differences Between Histology and Cytology
Important Considerations in Histology Sample Collection and Submission
- Due to IATA transport regulations, and for safety with handling formalin, a concentration of 10% buffered formalin must be used unless submitting fresh tissues wrapped in saline-wetting gauze.
- The jars must be clearly labeled with the 10% buffered formalin concentration.
- Jars/large specimen kits/bags must be labeled with the liquid solution used to preserve the specimen—even if submitting saline.
- IDEXX is not able to ship unlabeled jars until we can confirm the concentration or type of formalin/liquid solution.
- If confirmed that the biopsy specimen was submitted in formalin concentrations >10%, or if the specimen is not labeled with the needed information, this may cause delays with processing and turnaround time.
- For more information on how to prepare and package biopsy specimens to send to IDEXX, please visit .
Documents and other resources
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, IDEXX Online Orders
, and educational resources
Directory of Tests and Services
Browse our tests and services to see a comprehensive list of offerings from IDEXX Reference Laboratories and save them to VetConnect PLUS so you can easily access them anytime.
IDEXX Reference Laboratories Support
We support your practice with our customer support, technical support, and medical consulting services team, including our board-certified veterinary specialists.
Call us at 1 300 44 33 99 .
Learn more about a specific product or service.
A representative will help you every step of the way.
IDEXX Reference Laboratories
Note: There may be times where weather or operational considerations cause delays in providing test results. When this happens, we will inform you as quickly as possible with the most complete information available.