IDEXX Faecal Check Home Collection Kit
A convenient solution
The IDEXX Faecal Check Home Collection Kit (code: 99-0013521) makes it easy for pet owners to collect and send in their pet's faecal sample for intestinal parasite screening.
The IDEXX Fecal Dx Antigen Test (code: HCFAP) uses patented ELISA technology to provide earlier and more specific detection of the presence of hookworm, whipworm, and roundworm.
The Collection kit, makes submitting a sample for testing as easy as...
How does it work?
Each box contains faecal collection items for the pet owner. All you need to add is the test submission form!
- Simple, step-by-step instructions
- Faecal collection tube, gloves, sample submission ziplock bag
- Self-addressed, return-paid mailing box (Australia Post)
Simply add your completed VetConnect® PLUS test submission form into the kit and give it to your clients to take home. Results will be ready within 1-2 working days upon arrival at the IDEXX Laboratory. See more specific instructions at the bottom of the page.
Healthy pets and families
Find and treat parasites early and reduce the spread of potentially zoonotic disease.
Satisfied clients
Make it easy and convenient for pet owners. They simply collect the sample and drop the kit into the nearest Australia Post Red Box or retail outlet.
Healthy practice
Enhance your clients’ experience with an innovative service.
Setting up an account
Complete this form if you would like assistance setting up an IDEXX reference laboratory or online ordering account, or phone 1300 44 33 99.
- Complete a test submission form via VetConnect PLUS and place in the Faecal Check box for the relevant pet.
- Give the Faecal Check kit to the pet owner.
Pet owner
- Scoops the sample and seals the tube.
- Places tube in sample bag.
- Puts the bag in the box with the submission form and closes it.
- Drops it in the nearest Australia Post red box or retail outlet.
IDEXX Reference Laboratories
IDEXX will then run the requested test(s) and return the results to the submitting veterinarian.