The IDEXX Advantage
Test more - save more
- IDEXX uniquely brings together world-class diagnostic instruments and highly specialised veterinary laboratory services. IDEXX Advantage integrates the benefits of in-clinic testing and specialised support through a range of simple tools to help you gather more information in a cost-effective and timely manner.
- Only IDEXX gives you the Complete Diagnostic Solution, providing you greater benefits when you really need them.
THE IDEXX Advantage
What is the IDEXX Advantage?
In our bid to offer you the Complete Diagnostic Solution for your pathology, IDEXX offers follow up services at a significant cost advantage for a large range of our In-Clinic diagnostic tests, Rapid Assay, and Reference Laboratory. In many cases, it is now cheaper to perform your tests in-clinic and send off a follow up test in the lab than it is to simply send your pathology request to the lab in the first case!
Where would I use this service?
These services are designed to assist your comprehensive diagnosis only when you really need it. Combining the convenience of in-clinic technology with ISO and NATA Accredited Reference Laboratory services and our Internal Medicine Consultant and pathologists, this is the IDEXX Advantage.
For test codes and when to use the IDEXX Advantages, see your annual Directory of Products and Service.
Rapid Assay Advantage
For when you want more information
IDEXX SNAP Tests are the perfect device to get a rapid diagnosis in clinic, but sometimes you want more information.
Take advantage of the IDEXX Reference Laboratory and consider following up your in-clinic SNAP test with one of these convenient and cost effective IDEXX Advantages
Run SNAP fPL in-clinic and receive special pricing on Spec fPL test from IDEXX.
How does it work?
- Add a Quantitative Pancreas-Specific Lipase (Spec fPL) test as follow on to an abnormal SNAP result.
- Send a serum sample and the used SNAP device with a request for a baseline Spec fPL to IDEXX.
- Use Request Code FPS
To schedule a courier pick up call 1300 44 33 99.
Run SNAP cPL in-clinic and receive special pricing on Spec cPL test from IDEXX.
How does it work?
- Add a Quantitative Pancreas-Specific Lipase (Spec cPL) test as follow on to an abnormal SNAP result.
- Send a serum sample and the used SNAP device with a request for a baseline Spec cPL to IDEXX.
- Use Request Code CPR
To schedule a courier pick up call 1300 44 33 99.
Add a Faecal Dx Antigen Panel test to any faecal SNAP result for a more comprehensive investigation of any patient presenting with diarrhoea.
How does it work?
- Follow up any faecal SNAP result to investigate internal parasites present in faecal sample.
- Send 3 - 5 grams of the patient's faeces, and the used SNAP device to IDEXX.
- Use Request Code IAFAP
To schedule a courier pick up call 1300 44 33 99
In-clinic Analyser Advantage
For when you need interpretation on in-clinic results or deeper insights through follow-up testing
In-clinic analysers provide reliable, consistent and convenient diagnostic solutions in clinic, but sometimes you want an interpretation or deeper insights through follow-up testing.
Take advantage of the IDEXX Reference Laboratory and consider following up your in-clinic tests with one of these convenient and cost effective IDEXX Advantages.
COMPLIMENTARY - Request a comprehensive written interpretation for your IDEXX in-clinic results. Clinical history required for interpretation.
Note: Complimentary over the phone support can also be accessed via www.vetconnectplus.com.au.
How does it work?
- To discuss a specific case or result with our team of experts, simply call 1300 44 33 99.
To add additional value to your real-time results with a film review and pathologist interpretation, send in a copy of your IDEXX in-clinic haematology results and receive a special price (must include patient history for optimal reporting).
How does it work?
- Send in an EDTA sample, blood smear and a copy of the IDEXX analyser results to IDEXX.
- Use Request Code ICICA
To schedule a courier pick up call 1300 44 33 99.
Follow up a SediVue Dx urine sediment examination with a culture and sensitivity at the lab.
How does it work?
- Send in a urine specimen and a copy of the SediVue Dx results to IDEXX.
- Use request code SVIA To schedule a courier pick up call 1300 44 33 99.
Reference Laboratories Advantage
Get more from your profiles
These convenient and cost effective IDEXX Advantages for IDEXX Reference Laboratory services let you get more from your profiles.
Choose from our range of IDEXX Recommended Profiles and add any of the following assays for a special price.
- Add Fructosamine to any profile - Use Request Code FRUA
- Add Triglycerides to any profile - Use Request Code TRIA
- Add Canine C-Reactive Protein to any canine recommended profile - Use Request Code IACRP
- Add Serum Amyloid A to any equine profile - Use Request Code IASAA
How does it work?
Add any of the above codes to your VetConnect PLUS submission at the same time as any IDEXX Recommended Profile.
To schedule a courier pick up, call 1300 44 33 99.
IDEXX Advantage Faecal Dx Antigen Panel
Accurately check for parasites when running a Diarrhoea RealPCR panel (feline and canine).
- Request this comprehensive panel inclusive of intestinal parasites to rule in or rule out parasites as the cause of the diarrhoea. To be run in conjunction with the Diarrhoea RealPCR panel.
- Use Request Code IAFAP
To schedule a courier pick up call 1300 44 33 99.
Receive a discounted Faecal Dx Antigen Panel test when you submit the sample via the IDEXX Faecal Check Home Collection Kits .
- Purchase the IDEXX Faecal Check Kit from IDEXX Online Ordering .
- The Home Collection Faecal Antigen Panel can be used as part of a preventive care screen, or monitoring the response to treatment of an infection.
- Use Request Code HCFAP
To schedule a courier pick up call 1300 44 33 99.
Submit a single tissue histopathology specimen within three weeks of a cytology result (related to the same site) to receive a special Advantage Program price for HIS1 submissions.
How does it work?
- Request the follow up code via VetConnect PLUS .
- Use Request Code HISA
To schedule a courier pick up call 1300 44 33 99.