
IDEXX Newsletter

Responsible Environmental Innovation

We provide an update on the launch of the latest enviornmental packaging that has replaced the polystyrene boxes.

Over the last 12 months, IDEXX, at the request of our customers and the business has been working on an initiative to replace the polystyrene boxes currently used to package goods to deliver an environmentally sustainable packaging that is easy to dispose of and recycle. 

The solution: WoolCool packaging and cardboard boxes which are 100% biodegradable, recyclable, compostable, and will replace the 37,000 polystyrene boxes which currently go into landfill annually. The innovative wool insulation is developed from all-natural reusable, recyclable, compostable and biodegradable natural wool. This new packaging compliments the eco-friendly ice packs and packaging stuffers already in use. 

If you would like to learn more around the project and a bit of the behind the scenes look watch our video below. 

To help celebrate the launch of this amazing achievement we launched an online Facebook competition and asked for you to show us some innovative ways in which you were re-using the wool packaging. We had four winners in total and were thrilled to see the creative ways everyone is using the new packaging. 

If you would like to see some of the interesting and innovative ways customers are reusing the wool packaging check out the page post here.

IDEXX Marketing Team

IDEXX Marketing Team

News items and blog articles posted by the IDEXX Marketing Team