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IDEXX Community partner RFDS features in ABC Landline

The Royal Flying Doctor Service features in ABC Landline's episode on rural Australia's response to the conronavirus. 

One of IDEXX Australia's community partners the Royal Flying Docotors Service (RFDS) recently appeared in the latest episode of ABC's Landline on "Sunday 3/05/2020". The episode looks at how rural Australia is "safeguarding the food supply chain during COVID-19; Changes at fruit and vegetable markets; Out to sea for banana prawn season; plus a silver-lining for the flower industry. It features a segment on how the RFDS is currently readying itself and has put in place plans to help combat the COVID-19 pandemic in regards to the wider response and impact it is currently having on the rural Australian Community.

So while you are in isolation take a moment to watch the latest episode and experience first hand the incredible work that the RFDS do on not only a daily basis but especially during these trying and uncertain times to continue to support this amazing country in the spirit of all Australian's. 

You can watch the latest episode via ABC iView app which can easily be downloaded via the Apple or Android app store, or you can view online via the link provided​​​​​​​

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